The Northern Counties Allotments Association (NCAA) seeks to serve the needs of Allotment Tenants, Managers, Local Authorities and Landlords in the North of England.
As well as horticultural advice, we aim to assist allotment people with tasks that they may not be familiar with. These range from Self-Management, Fund Raising, Constitutions, Rules and help with livestock problems, pesticides, rodent control and many others. We also hold Quarterly Forums to allow exchange of ideas, help on horticultural and livestock problems and many other topics.
In the last few years we have assisted many allotment sites and associations in resolutions to problems covering constitutions, rules, neighbours, problem tenants and landlords.
Events and Courses: We hold courses on Allotment Management, Health and Safety on Allotments, GDPR, Rodenticide Control and many more. See Events and Courses page
Allotment Assist – a service to help self-managed and association run allotment sites to manage their finance, documents and policies & procedures. See the Allotment Assist page.
Allotment Mapping – does your site suffer from ‘plot-creep’? Do you want to know the size of all your plots? Our new Allotment Mapping Service (AMS) can help you. See our Services page.