Map of allotments in Northern England

The Northern Counties Allotments Association Allotments Map covers the area from the Scottish Border down to Yorkshire and Lancashire borders and from the East to West Coasts.

This is an ongoing project.

The Allotment locations are divided primarily into Counties. If there is a large local authority within a county boundary then the site markers for that county are in a different colour. An example is County Durham, the sites belonging to Durham County Council have green markers and all other sites have a blue marker.

The colour coding is:
Northumberland – Light Grey
North Tyneside Council – Red
Newcastle Upon Tyne Trust – Yellow
Gateshead – Dark Grey
South Tyneside Council – Brown
Sunderland City Council – Orange
County Durham – Green
Durham County Council – Light Blue
Cumbria – Dark Blue
Teesside – Purple*

Very few allotment sites have a post code, we have taken the one nearest to the site. Also, not all the information about status, contact details etc are readily available. Please use the contact form below to help us make the data more accurate. If you can’t find your site, please fill in the form below and we will add it.

*Teesside is no longer a county but we have used this name as it best describes the area.

Click here to view the Allotment Map



Add or Amend An Allotment Site

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you. Please see out Data Privacy policy.
For new sites: Please enter as much detail as possible. For amendments: Just enter the details you want changing, everything else will be left the same.
The local name for the site
The place within the town/city
Town the allotment site is in
Using the post code, the main town the place is in
Nearest or most convenient post code for someone to find your site
How many plots you have
Your landlord, maybe the local council or a private landlord
The email of your secretary etc.
If you have your own allotment website or the local council website if you are direct let
Direct Let, Association, Self-Managed or Leased
If you know this enter Statutory or Non-Statutory
Only if you are willing to let people know how they can contact you.